“Bodger’s Camp” (chargeable)

We currently do not have suitably-experienced adult volunteers available to run this activity so, sadly, we have had to suspend this activity for the foreseeable future.

There is a small ‘Bodger’s Camp’ in the woods, built and managed by a couple of the Parkwood Crew.

Bodgers Camp 2Depending on the time of year and other commitments (both work full-time, and are Scout Leaders!) visitors can book a two-hour session for a small group, usually no more than six at any one time.  During the session the Scouts will be able to work in two teams of three to split a log, shape a billet on a shave horse and then turn it into a Rounders bat on a pole lathe.    Because of the nature of the work and the tools used, this is not suitable for Cubs.

Bodgers Camp 1The cost is £25.00 for a single session of six participants.  To make a booking please contact the Booking Secretary.

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+  In the traditional craft world a bodger is a very specific term. Craftsman known as bodgers were highly skilled workers, originating in the Chilton’s in Buckinghamshire.   Have a look at these links: