There is a Car Park – not huge, but with considerate parking sufficient to accommodate around 40 vehicles.
For ‘District’ Events and Family Camps, when large numbers of vehicles are expected, cars can ‘double park’ although we recommend that a ‘car parking team’ is put in place to manage this.
Dropping-off and Collection from large events: we recommend that when large numbers of vehicles are expected, arrangements should be made to stagger times of drop-off and collection to minimise congestion.
We ask everyone to leave a clearly-visible note in their vehicle with their name, group, campsite name, and Mobile phone number. Just in case.
Cars are not permitted beyond the Car Park, but there are a number of Trollies available in the Store (on the left over the bridge towards the buildings). We ask all Group Leaders to ensure that these are returned to the store as soon as possible so that they are available for others to use – especially during busy periods.